Saturday, November 27, 2010

Guess where I'm blogging from!!

An airplane!!! A friggin' Delta flight!!!! Apparently, Delta has teamed up with Google to provide free in-flight Wifi on some flights. Oh yes, I am loving this!!! I KNEW it was possible!!! Hopefully they won't screw this idea up with charging like 5 dollars per MB or some such nonsense. I recall when they tried that inflight phone business. It died out because of bad reception and sky high (hee hee!) prices. My Dad was also generous enough to buy a camera for me on this trip so I will have some images to post on Monday. In the meantime, I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Later!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dumb tv rocks!!!

Confession time: I love the World's Dumbest on Tru TV. I feel like a friggin' genius every time I watch it. So, the next time you are feel a little less than fabulous, I'd highly recommend that you watch it or something like it. On the needles, I"m finishing up my Primavera wrap from Virtual Yarns. Yep, that's by Alice Starmore. Love her! And yes, it's been on my needles for three years. I've gotten sidetracked. On the sewing machine, I just cut a Vogue pattern by Kay Unger. It's a great sheath dress that I hope will look fab when I'm done with it. Once I figure out where the heck I left my camera charger, you'll get the photo! Till then, take it easy!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Okay, I'm getting this blog back up and running after an email from a friend advised me it was disabled. I imagine blogger disabled it due to no posts! Eeek! So, here's the status on what's up in Aliciaville:

-formulating a business plan with my sister
-working on my MBA
-raising 2 boys, 2 cats, a dog and 2 hamsters
-whipping my body into shape via the eat clean diet
-knitting when I can

Speaking of knitting, the only thing off of my needles recently has been my firestarter socks. If I told you how long they had been on my needles, well, I would be ashamed. Let's just say I lost my notes on the first sock so the second sock looks a little, urm different. I've put in a, gasp, photo! I know! It's been awhile since I've done photos. I'm trying to rectify that!

Fitness-wise, I'll just put it out there. I entered the third annual Eat Clean Diet Challenge. Since Mom passed, I sort of let it all go and gained a lot of weight. I mean a lot. Now, it's time to engage in life again. So, I figured why not take the challenge. I have nothing to lose at all. So, I took some seriously unflattering photos of myself and posted them to the contest page. OMG! I had no idea my butt looked like that!!! It was like the scene from Psycho where Janet Lee is surprised in the shower and starts screaming! Still, nowhere to go but up so here I go. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I may even become brave enough to add the photos!
Till later, Alicia