Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Things are nuts! We are PCSing (that's moving for non military folks) to Fort Leavenworth, KS! The movers are here today packing us up so I'm crazy busy! Promise some post holiday pics. Maybe when we are at Mom's for Chrismukkah (we do both-blended family so that's what we call it)? Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for the comments to the blog--I'll be back once I dig out from boxes and craziness! P.S. DH has come to accept the yarn (as if he had a choice!) but swears I own the most stuff in the family. Whatever!! Happy Holidays everybody!! Alicia

1 comment:

mrspao said...

Happy Chrismukkah to you too! (I love it) Hope your move goes smoothly - don't forget to email me your new address so I can send you a card.

Glad to hear your DH has seen sense about the yarn :)